Summary: Leif Chastaine and Christopher Carfi discuss the American Marketing Association's "Ahead of the Curve" session in Chicago, the marketing challenge for RSS, taunts and tempts Siebel employees, launch of the "Healing Space" health and environment blog, and this week's RIM/BlackBerry Supreme Court decision. (33:32)
Show notes for January 27, 2006
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00:00 : Intro
01:10 : Recap of the AMA's Ahead of the Curve session: High Tech Trends in Marketing
02:40 : What is RSS?
Google search for RSS metaphors (n.b. and yes, actually these are "similes" and not "metaphors," we know, we know...)
"RSS is like an API for content"
"RSS is like selling dogfood over the internet"
"RSS is like Tivo for the web"
"Explaining RSS is like explaining sex. You just don't get it until you do it." (also here)
Dave Winer
11:45 : to Siebel employees: "No Future"
19:30 : Healing Space health, wellness and environment blog launched
25:15 : Supremes won't intervene in RIM BlackBerry / NTP dispute
33:50 : Wrapup
Bill Flitter, Stowe Boyd, Randy Moss, Michael Sevilla, TheCradle,, Siebel, Paul Greenberg, Todd Pesek, EarthHealers, Naturaleza Foundation, eco-tourism, Craig Williams, Howard Bashman, Research in Motion, BlackBerry, Ross Mayfield, Davos, BlackBerries a matter of national security
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