As part of the ProjectVRM meeting yesterday, Joe Andrieu and yours truly facilitated a session asking the question:
"What are the expressions (or perhaps "gestures") that indicate that you might be in a relationship, instead of just a simple transaction?"
(This was intended primarily to be in the business domain, although there is definitely a blurring of business and not-business when talking about actual interpersonal relationships.) These "expressions" are things you do, or things you feel, or real-world manifestations that indicate that a relationship may exist between parties. Please note, the relationship may be positive, or may be negative.
Here was the list the group came up with. Can you add to it?
"You might be in a relationship when..."
- there are implications for the future
- expectations
- recognition
- subscription
- payment
- tipping
- genealogy
- hate sites
- strong feelings
- recommend
- contract
- employment
- ask advice
- expose yourself to vulnerability ("trust")
- blacklist
- conversation
- stalking
- repeat patronage
- badmouth
- reliance
- federation
- referral/introduction
- sponsor
- invite
- rebuff
- evaluate
- hug / P.D.A.
- advocate
- commenting (e.g. blogs)
- give gifts
- find
- respond
- keep apprised
- request
- extend credit
- support
- vouch
- shared experience
- having coffee
- conferences
What are other expressions of relationships that you can think of?
Honestly, I was basically ok with the "have coffee" thing, but then if that's all I could come up with then I'm quite the slut.
Great list, though. Man, y'all brainstormed up something fierce!
Posted by: Mocha | January 29, 2007 at 01:14 PM
ping me about our deliverables..;)
Posted by: deb schultz | January 30, 2007 at 10:20 PM
good list ... it would be interesting to categorise the items, to seek a manageable list of characteristics.
Posted by: Colin Henderson | February 01, 2007 at 07:44 PM