Want to come out and connect with others who are thinking about how social media are changing marketing and customer relationships? You may be interested in attending one of the upcoming sessions of How Consumer Controlled Media Is Re-Shaping Your Online Go-To-Market Strategy.
The program is being hosted by the American Marketing Association, and we'll start out our 3 city tour in Chicago, IL on October 28th.Who else will be speaking? Check it out...
Podcasting/Video Blogs
Stowe Boyd, President, Corante, Get Real
Bill Flitter, Chief Marketing Officer, Pheedo, Pheedo Blog
Word of Mouth Marketing
Pete Blackshaw, Chief Marketing and Customer Satisfaction Officer, Intelliseek (New York session)
Andy Sernovitz, CEO, Word of Mouth Marketing Association, WOMMA (Chicago session)
Interactive Social Networking
Randal Moss, Project Specialist, American Cancer Society's Futuring and Innovation Center
Social Networking
Christopher Carfi, Principal, Cerado, and author of The Social Customer Manifesto. (Chicago and Scottsdale sessions)
David Teten, CEO of Nitron Advisors (New York session)
Power Law Structure
Judith T. Meskill, Principal, Meskill.net, Judith Meskill's Knowledge Notes
Session dates:
- October 28 - Chicago
- November 11 - Scottsdale
- December 2 - New York
More info here, including how to register. Hope to see you in Chicago, Scottsdale, or New York!
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