Johnnie Moore's blog rocks, and it's one of 100+ that I have read through my aggregator in the past. But I rarely read it anymore. Why? Because there's something better.
What's better than his blog? Finding the conversations that he's hosting.
This is because, although his blog is here, he publishes the feed for just his comments. This is where the good stuff is happening. This is where the conversations are happening. (n.b. have shamelessley stolen this idea, and if'n you're interested the comments feed for The Social Customer Manifesto is here).
Subscribing to just the comments is a double-edged sword. On one hand, there may be insights that are missed in the "regular" blog posts. But as long as there are a good number of readers/lurkers to a regular blog, and some small number of those folks choose to start a conversation in the comments, there is an almost built-in filtering mechanism that is put in place...the posts that generate the most comments are the "high value" ones that pop up, and are the ones that get read. (By the way, Wilco is amazing. Buy all their records. Now. And Lane's too, while you're at it.)
Here's a link to how to do this yourself in Moveable Type or Typepad (thanks, Johnnie for pointing this out). It's pretty straightforward, but you need to be comfortable mucking with the templates. Drop me a note...or a comment...if you're not able to get it to work.
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